Aims and Values

Our Aims at Finzean School and Ballogie Nursery are to:

Help children feel safe, nurtured, supported and listened to – Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible and Included.

Provide learning experiences which are broad, challenging and enjoyable.

Make sure learners know what they are learning and how they can improve.

Engage families in children’s learning.

Involve parents, carers and the wider community in the life and work of the school.

Ensure everyone understands mistakes are opportunities to learn.

Our Values underpin the Ethos of the School and the Nursery and are embedded in how we learn in both establishments. Our curriculum offers a broad range of learning experiences, taking in to account the needs and interests of our pupils.  Children’s opinions and ideas are listened to and valued, and through our Pupil Quality of Learning and Teaching Committee, children are encouraged to be involved in developing the work of the school and consequently having a positive impact on school improvements.  There is a mutual sense of trust, respect and shared values and aims.

Successful Learners  Confident Individuals Responsible Citizens Effective Contributors


After consultation with pupils, parents and staff, our Values changed in August 2022 to:





